
Monday, June 4, 2012

What did people tease you about growing up?

What didn't people tease me about when I was growing up? I was teased about everything under the sun, my "Chinese eyes", my "accent", my Bennett hips and butt, my boobs, pretty much everything. 

Usually the racist teasing came from my classmates and peers. The appearance taunts came from family. At first, any kind of teasing would upset me. But as I grew older, the teasing affected me less and less. I developed a "thick skin"as my father would say. I can handle most any kind of teasing now. If someone teases me about something I am sensitive about, I know how to speak up to discourage it. 

My thick skin enables me to better "hang" with the boys since teasing is commonplace. But also because I used to be sensitive about teasing, I know there are certain subjects to stay away from. Teasing about things that people cannot control is cruel. A good instance is body appearance. People cannot control the shape of their eyes or if they developed early. Teasing about a grammar slip up is okay, as long as it's not excessive. 

There is good teasing and bad teasing that can cause low self-esteem and social anxiety. Be aware of which one you're employing before you silently hurt someone. 

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