
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Come up with a new Constitutional Amendment

Members of Congress live in a bubble. It's time to pop that bubble. If I could come up with a new constitutional amendment, I would propose a few changes. First I would implement a salary cap that keeps up with inflation along. Then I would limit terms, and monitor their finances.

I'm not sure what the cap should be at though. Minimum wage would be too extreme. No one is able to make a living off of minimum wage but congress members shouldn't be making $165,000 a year either. According to a report from 2008, the average congress member was paid $165,200. That is insane. I can't imagine why they need so much money to pass laws. Keep the cap low enough to deter people from running for office just for the money but high enough that people will not be tempted with bribes.

Too many congress members stay for life. I think this is bad. It stalls progression. The members are not current with life in America. Term limits would prevent the stale issue.

In addition, their finances need to be monitored so that they do not profit from insider knowledge and use that knowledge on the stock market. They also won't be able to accept any campaign contributions either. Everyone gets a fixed amount they are allowed to spend. No more buying votes.

Being a Congress member should be about serving the people but instead its become about serving their own needs or serving the needs of their friends.

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