
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

List 8 reasons it's okay to lie

The original prompt is to list 8 reasons when it's okay to lie. I don't like to lie. Life is easier and better without it.

Instead of the original prompt, I will tell you 8 lies I have told in the past. 

1) When I was 4, I was living in the Philippines at Clark Air Force Base. My younger brother Jason, was probably 2 or 3. I went into my parents room and dialed 9-1-1. Someone answered and I hung up. A few minutes later a couple of policemen arrived at the door. My mom was really flustered and asked me if I called them. I said, "no, it was Jason". Since he was such a cute kid, he didn't get into trouble. And that was that. 

2) When my family moved to Florida a year or two later, my parents took me and my brother to Disney World. The whole time my dad was telling us how awesome Space Mountain was going to be so Jason and I were stoked, even though we had no idea what it was. It turns out that Space Mountain is an indoor rollercoaster. All I remember about the ride was that I was terrified out of my skull and I never screamed so much in my life. After the ride was over, my dad teased my brother for screaming so much. Jason denied it of course since it was me but I kept quiet and let him take the teasing. 

Man, I seem like an awful sister. I cannot continue. I can't think of any other harmless lies I've told.

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